~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!

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  1. I agree. They go together like a horse and carriage or love and marriage. Is that what you mean? Hope and action need each other or there won't be a whole thing that is meaningful?
    Of course I don't want to imply that marriage has to follow love. But love of course can make marriage a whole, useful "thing". But marriage without love is not usually too much fun or too much of a whole thing.
    And horses are real in many ways besides being attached to a carriage. We hardly know what a carriage is these days - not even for babies who now strolled about or back packed or cuddled to the front of the parent is a sling of sorts.
    I'll have to think about how I can link my hope to my actions. I really tend to be hopeful in a rather passive, wordy way. But I can see that there are probably better ways to do it; more useful ways and I like the idea of being useful.


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