yeah yahoo
today was a way a lovely day
i finished digging all the way to the end

oh my belly is already growling for some tasty potatoes
and onions of course!
i have also transplanted some winter onion to my patch of land
and some nettle too!

soon some evening this week i will do the rhubarb~
here AND
in the wilds of the mill creek ravine

lovely and growing
Take Care

warm regards,

Edmonton, Alberta
757 -5459

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!

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  1. I'm not sure if I'm more excited by the shiny eggs or the prospect of new potatoes and onions! How about a poem about either or all? We have winter onions at Ravenrose too. And rhubarb, just planted. JES Hey, that's our back yard!


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