i have just had the most lovely day
the best the best the best
my boss was happy
i was productive and had fun building projects to do (with power tools) which i finished -Yahoo!
and then out of the blue i was offered tickets to the symphony
a SPPPeeeeecccial evening with Mendelsson
a new and very sweet friend (Kristy)
came with me
we walked downtown in the lovely evening to have supper at a Greek restaurant
it is such a good idea to eat when you are hungery
food tastes delicious and good food tastes fabulous
and then there was the music!
and now i am home with a cup of tea to sip before bed and ready for sweet dreams
All in All i'm not sure why this was SUCH a good day
though i am grateful

Take Care

Love, Ruth

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!

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