i know i am travelling fast


sometimes not a lot of detail is good

was in kracow
lovely city
beautiful sunshine today. . .walking walking
many vegan restaurants in this city, do not know why
had supper at one tonight
might be enough to turn me from my carnivore ways
also got lost though not badly and not really because i knew the direction to head in. . .
a helpful polish fellow must of misinterpreted my playful expression of wonder at being lost as confusion and offered assistance, so i thought it would be rude to no accept and i was whisked (by my own feet) faster into the centre of the city.

tomorrow i head into the polish mountains

i know i am travelling fast but i have limited time and want to reach the black sea before it is time to go home. . .

Take Care

Love, Ruth

Edmonton, Alberta
757 -5459
~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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