a little report

Lviv was gorgeous and i meet two beautiful people, Sejal and Damien, both seperately and though i am over having to leave them i am glad i had a chance to spend perfect days with each of them-high pride
i arrived in chernivsti brighted eyed from a sleeper train early saturday morning found my hostel and threw down my stuff and went walking. so pretty and small small. not use to foreigners and so i attracted a lot of stares-they could see me coming a miles a way. not exactly sure of the reason probably for the same reason i could see difference in them.
there were five crazy belgians staying in my room who were there for the Motocross event. In the evening after i had walked and they had come back we all went out and played pool-took a crazy taxi that went so fast down twisty streets i was sliding into everyone else in the back.
the next day sunday as it turned out they had 'backstage'passes to this motocross thing so after some hesitation, Luba (the girlfriend of one of the hostel owners) and I met them there. It was an amazing day - of all 5 senses -smell, hearing. . . big eye candy, not what i would ever do in Canada but an interesting experience.
after the beligians on a marathon ride across country to warsaw to fly home, we meaing the hostels owners and i as well as a local friend went carrousing through town. It was a crazy night and i probably got drunkier than i should have- but the next day monday we spent the day wandering in the shady parks and playing in the Prut river realizing that i would never have time to get to odessa this local fellow i met said that he knew of a town where there were a lot of sorochans but then he had to work and we did not have time to further the connection- this is my lack of followthrough though to be fair to my dodgey self it is not really what i set out to do and i had not alot of time.
i spent tuesday arranging transportation and being scared by Paul's stories of not arranging thing soon enough, i am not sure why he did that becaause i always have safe while travelling and short order trips are my speciality who knows where you will want to go next?
i spent wednesday on the most beautiful tour through the mountains. there are tightly packed little villages and whenever we stop i was amazed that what i thought would be isolated was full of life. i met a man on the bus who has family near smokey lake and i said i would try to help him with those connections if possible.
this is the day i left the ukraine and a small place called chop-this is looks like a suburb of a bigger place which is very modern small city called uzgerod. went to open air bar and ended up 'speaking with werid old ukrainian men who thought that even though we had no shared language if they just repeated often what they were saying i would understand. it was funny experience and i am glad that they were polite. the border crossing was too much to experience-big burly men come storming onto the train and order all the documents out and checking bags for . . .drugs, alcohol and other contraband
crazy day in budapest, trying to find a place to change ukrainian money, not so easy, maybe the ukraine is not as friendly as i thought, at least not with their immediate neighbours. had a delicious breakfast of a donair and fanta sitting on a couch outside of the train station this is how i end the day as well people probably thought i was mediatating this time sitting cross legged on the steps.
mostly of this sunny and hot hot day was spent walking walking.
gloomy and grey day in prague, it is big tourist place, looking carefully i see lines of where people like me may go for fun, problem is my fun is a dodgey kind and can be practiced anywhere at this point i am churched and beautiful building out. i need to practice remembering to go full throttle to what i want and remembering that yes travelling is about letting go and connections.

i am ready to go home though i have a plan for what i want to do next?

motercycling though the tatra and carpathian mountions. . .anyone want to join me?

Take Care

Love, Ruth

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


  1. Dear Ruth;
    Tell us about when to meet the plane! How are you? Where are you? See you soon. Love Mom.

  2. Yes, love is madness, otherwise
    who in their right mind would
    ever chance falling in love.

    You are a wiser person for
    taking risks and venturing
    intostrange places.
    The memories will be with you forever.

  3. I want to join you!! Get a bike and side car for us....

  4. Dear Ruth;
    I guess you think that your "short note" should last us until the end of the month? Actually I'm getting lonely! Send us a shorter note to let us know how things are. Love M.

  5. Hi there, Ruthie;

    Just checking. Good morning! The sun is shining and I must go out and plant some flowers. Love M.


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