boat+train ride through fjords and flam

today was terrific. i waffled all day yesterday over the decision to make a boat+train ride through fjords and flam. i had all but decided not to when whamo! bright an early this morning i woke up and without really knowing started to get ready to go out for the day. i arrived at the trainstation just in the nick of time and a very nice conductor arranged for me to pay at the next station. yeah for nice people -we are taking over the world, or at least we would if we were not so nice.
the boat ride was beautiful and the sun shining the whole day. water meeting earth meeting sky.
on the boat i met this lovely australia lady named angela and bill the geologist. She told me about funny wooden churches across norway that are writ large with pagan symbols. He took many pictures and was always dashing off to different places. on the wait inbetween the boat and the bus we all got to sun ourselves like seals andfound a local beer to drink along with my packed lunch. it was dark and sweet and thick.
the train ride was so much fun with my head hanging out the window half the time. i met this two indian people, one now working in california named deepta (probably spelt all wrong) and one working in denmark named sankrita (again spelt wrong). they had been students together 20 years ago and were taking a vacation together and bickering so sweetly each to the other.
the scenery was stunning, the pictures i took will not do it justice and words are inadequate.

come and see for yourself

Take Care

Love, Ruth

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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