still in paris and pissed off

okay still in paris and pissed off with computer technology that loses mesages so i have to retypelong pieces of writing twice. . . .
still in paris and loving it. . .i went to the catacombes today, deep underneath the twisty parsian streets entering the empire of the dead. Oie was i glad to resurface into sunny weather.
After which i went to sit in the cemetary of montparnasse. and for elizabeth i drank a beer (very good beer weather) and i also saw the most beautiful man i have ever seen. . . this bears repeating again. . .it is surprising i did not mentition it to him. i maybe should have because i do not think he knew, which may have been the reason i thought he was so lovely. however he was eating a banana minding his own and so i clamly walked by bathing in his resplendent glow.
okay off to eat some yummy veggies and couscous for my supper.

did i mentition that i really love it here
tomorrow rodin i have many recommendations of this place including yours shelly! also if i can there is a goya exhibition and a wild peruvian artist of wild imagings. 

Take Care
Love, Ruth
~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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