the giant & the night journey

okay i am in kristiansand now. after night journey and interesting conversations in train stations. met a very nice and extremely tall man on the train to here he had with him the sweetest best behaved black lab and the heaviest army backpack i have ever tried to lift. probably because he is a giant he had no problem. got here very early in the morning and went down to the docks in the early morning sunshine to read and doze because it is hard to sleep on the train when you are thinking about missing your stop and sitting straight up and down. the giant seemed to have no problems though, probably because he was in the aisle seat and his massive limbs spread out into the free space.
i have had my morning coffee and a delicious freshly baked bun and found the library. . .a very productive day so far.

Take Care

Love, Ruth
~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


  1. Ruthie, did you get a picture of the giant? Does he mind being called a giant? Is he related to the Kvinlogs or the Espetveidts? I was happy to hear you have left the north and are in hte south. I was starting think you might have gotten stuck in Bergen. Give our greetings to Johannes and to the Iversons if you get to meet them. We are pretty well although we have been stuck with a blizzard and 20 or so cms of snow. Since it is April it should last long (but it seems to be doing just that -I mean staying long.)Leonard and Elizabeth are taking a load of furniture to Banff next Thursday!Moving is not much fun, I guess. Elizabeth i grieving every little bit of stuff she has to discard. Florence has been here for the past few days. The blizzard has complicate her return to B.C. At first Maxine was going to drive her home but now I don't know. Erin had her baby a 9 lb. 2 0unce little girl whom they have named Ashlyn Tia! Sorry about the capital letters - no special emphasis meant.THEY ARE WELL AND kIM HAS BEEN OUT TWICE IN THE LAST WEEK OR SO!GOOD BYE AND LOVE, Mom. PS Don't forget to get address and contact numbers from the important (that's everybody, maybe) you meet. And names - giant is not good enough. Was he related to


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