
okay amazing techno-lizzie fixed my bloggy thing and maybe it works now yahoo!

i went to the second flakk it was very nice.
it is maybe 4 hours north of trondheim and beautiful train\bus trip right on the edge of the water.
again the train was less expensive than going the whole way by bus. and i heard it was the opposite before
i left bus first in bangsund, just a small collection of houses and a stanoil gas station\ store.
i stopped there for directions and happliy found some very warm gloves because i left my own in the fruit store in oslo as i was rushing for the train.
i was so glad to have warm hands. there is no spring in flakk yet- still very cold.
i walked 2km to the farming community of flakk and found a man named rogerwho was building a house on top of a high hill with a lovely view across the water. He stopped his work and i ate juicy red grapes and talked about many things. he remembered the name petra flak and told me where he thought the farm might be. i went
but no one was home, so i went next door and met elin and nils atle (very nice people). we had mush coffee and sweeties and they showed me where maybe the farm house stood. two possibilities. the petra flak that roger had rememberedwas a second petra because she died in norway in the 1970's.
elin drove me to the church at klinga and we looked fior the graves but could not find them.
nils did give me a topographical map of the area, including the sawmill -very interesting.
i left a book with them and they were very interested in it.

today i leave trondheim and i go to bergen.
Take Care

Love, Ruth

Edmonton, Alberta
757 -5459

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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