twisty long long streets of paris


no way i am mad except with love. . . study hard do not worry about me. . . i will see you soon and we will have the most beautiful time.

i am in paris now.
i am staying at a hostel of course, it is okay because i am not planning to be there much.
i arrived yesterday
it was so hot compared to the mountains of norway where it is still in the depths of winter
i walked all over in my slipper sandels because i could not bear to put on my sweaty shoes not too much damage done

i ended up quite grumpy at the end of the night with the twisty long long streets.
i might have swore a couple of times at the absence minded-ness of the parisian muncipality to clearly label streets.
mostly i found what i was looking for. . .which is what i'm not sure
today more walking this time with sensible shoes.
to the louvre which is so much of a zoo i decided not to go into the exhibitions
it is mostly leftovers from colonial idealism and there are more interesting ways to learn the history of place.

i climbed up to sacre coeur and then down to a local brasserie for a beer
sweets and beer seem to be what i am living on here. . . .
i met a political artist and he spoke english so i was too shy to test much of my petite francais
though he was very sweet and said it was nice to hear different accents.

every place i am i think i should stay longer. maybe live. first i need to find a job.

okay i am off.

where are you will be in edmonton when i return?

Take Care
Love, Ruth

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey ruth. Yep I'll still be around in June I think. Depends on the roof whether we can get it done in the end of May or if we need to put it off until June.

    Did you realize it was snowing so much here? 30cm this week. We had to put off the moving van until next weekend because of snow blowing on the highway. yuck.

    have a beer for me :)


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