bergen beyond

so i almost forgot to tell to about about trondheim. it is a very nice city- right on water edge like haida gwaii and west coast of canada; many high houses built into hillsides and homes up on on chicken legs near the water.
cathedaral is huge and very old the day i went there was a choir of 500!!! women from across scandinavia practicing for a big concert. amazing. . .lucky me for stumbling onto such big sounds.

also there lucky me there is an artist group of musicians and dancers from tanzania staying at the hostel so every night there is always much excitement and bursting out into song.

there is a saturday farmer's market in the centre of town and i got some yummy lefse (potato flatbread) for the trip to bergen.

Take Care

Love, Ruth

Edmonton, Alberta
757 -5459

~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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