back in oslo

back in oslo. sitting in internet cafe. waiting for bus. this part not so interesting-going to paris very much interesting to me. shall see what i find. no books from southlands of norway (all in norweigan and very heavy) it was a interesting time and a somewhat packed schedule. not my usual way though it came at the end of my norway time and so it happened that way. i am thinking right now-this may change- that i should come back and stay for a while. however this could be a result of a few days of not travelling ruth style. in a few hours i will be on a bus to france. and the results of the poll so far says i should go to the pub. okay who am i to disagree with the majority of the voting public.

Take Care
Love, Ruth
~Life is Mad Love! Das Leben ist wütende Liebe! La vida es amor enojado! La vie est amour fol! La vita è amore pazzo!


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