OLd and nEW collide
I like life in a tent and i like life in a house. to stretch out and be able to dry out very important. On this vacation i feel like i am spending alot of money. I am too and that is fine. the cost of doing business. i realize that to live independantly is to use the resources you have economic, intellect, and social. To not use them would be silly, to use them well-wise. I travelled up to Agate beach when i first arrived on the island and spent the night. It was lovely to wander the beach. I feel caution-perhaps overly so-about hiking up cliffs and rocks in wet & stormy weather and I walk up to tow hill. I spent two days and one nigt in reflection with nature up the hippie road-two nights and one glorious day in seclusion at the Haida Rose Cottage in Old Masset up the yuppie road. Where do i belong- up which road-unclear perhaps both ways. I always be very good about living with contradictions. It is not unhappy position within which to find oneself.
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