unknown universe

I am just as I am. you are right. change may be next to near impossible. I went to my sister's for an egg party and spent most of the time hunch over a succession of bare canvases without the slightest clue how to make the idea in my head move out my stylus through wax and dye onto the eggshell. I also was cursed by the breaking of eggs slipper fingers which is disappointing even if your work is poor.I got home late and was very tired so after the minimum of preparations i tumbled into bed and slept most soundly until 7am. I rose this morning as determined as a person of my nature can be to be happy and pleasant. I take as my role model the laughing buddist nun. Perhaps with careful intention and dedication i can reclaim that sweetness of tongue and spirit. How will i do this? I will do this not by speaking volumes, by simply breathing in and out and clarifying my wants and needs and making clear to others my intentions and expectations. I will be a person who wakes up and thinks what do i want and need to do today? and then do it in the best way possible today! Yahoo!


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