Ruth the Great Instigator

Yes you, Instigator, Inspirator, Imaginator!
May your wealth of creativity overflow...or at least simmer at the brim of life.

I have newly rediscovered some of my writing from when I was in Germany. The most enlightening insight I gained was a confirmation that I am still the same person. I continue to have very similar questions about life, yet I feel I am now working through them in a more sophisticated manner. It's so cute to revisit my 18 year old self (I was so naive!).

The biggest question I had was about the nature of constructing ideals.... specifically in regards to Love and Beauty, and my questions about these ideas haven't really changed either.

I also discovered I was obsessed with Simone de Beauvoir. Unfortunately, after being inspired by an essay of hers, I really haven't read much else. Did you ever crack open The Second Sex?


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